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Morning Devotional:

The marbled gray ceramic tile floor in my kitchen is quite beautiful but it has a significant downfall.  Drop any kind of glass or ceramic item on it and it shatters into thousands of pieces.  It happened again just last night – this latest victim was one of my favorite mugs, a gift from a dear friend of mine. I happened to kitchen klutz it out of my hands and it toppled onto the floor where it shattered into a ton of pieces that I in no way could ever repair.

As I swept up the mess, I couldn’t help but think about the fact that when we are ourselves broken into bits, we are not tossed aside. No – in fact, we are swept up by a loving Father who uses every broken piece to shape us to be more like Him. Jeremiah 18:4 says “The vessel He made of clay was marred, so He made it again another vessel, as seemed good to the Master Potter.”  Some of you this morning may be thinking of yourselves as broken vessels in need of the Master Potter. We’re here to let you know you can be transformed by God’s grace today.. You can be that new vessel, saved by grace, made completely new to not only contain but pour out His glory.

– Beth

Burning Question:

It’s National Smile Power Day.  Who has the best smile?

Bible Quiz:

Question:  In what Italian city was Paul met by Christians from Rome?

Answer:  Appii Forum  (Acts 28:15)

Storytime  Sometimes it’s hard to know what to do.

Just One More Thing

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