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Morning Devotional:

Two miles closer and it would have nailed it.

About a year or so ago I graduated from carrying a paper datebook to using an electronic calendar which I access on my smartphone. I don’t know what I ever did without it! I like it because I can schedule a meeting or an appointment and I get a reminder that pops up ten minutes before it, telling me the next thing on my calendar is about to start. My workdays are usually scheduled pretty tight so I always schedule my lunch break, if for no other reason than to make sure I actually take the time to get away from the office.

Yesterday’s blizzard threw my day off significantly in that all of my regularly scheduled meetings and appointments were canceled and I was working from home. I didn’t tell my calendar that, though, and my usual meeting reminders were popping up on my phone throughout the morning. When my lunch break came, I had to laugh because when the reminder pop-up came, it said “Lunch. Traffic is light. It will take five minutes to get to your destination.” It’s a five minute drive from the studios to my home but yesterday, it only took me five steps to get to lunch – from my dining room table to the refrigerator.  Technology is great, but my phone apparently had no idea where to find me.

Have you ever considered that we will never have that problem with God?  Psalm 33 says “From heaven the Lord looks down and sees all mankind.” It says in the book of Job that “His eyes are on the ways of men; he sees their every step” and “He does not take his eyes off the righteous.”  We are never out of God’s sight and we are never out of His care, either. And guess what?  There’s always room for us on His calendar, too.

– Beth

Burning Question:

What are you running low on?

Bible Quiz:

Question:  Who was buried with Manoah his father?

Answer:  Samson  (Judges 16:31)

Storytime: Frustrating Adulting with Kalvary

Just one more thing…

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