Morning Devotional:
A few years ago, I went through a very difficult transition in my life. It was a devastating experience and when it happened, I went through an extensive period of loss. It was hard for me to look at things in a positive light and I could feel myself getting depressed. One day I was before the Lord, praying and seeking Him for what was next in my life, when I heard Him speak to me a word that turned my situation around. He said, “Beth, this is the time to worship Me completely, in everything you do and with everything you have. Bless me as I have blessed you.”
I took God’s words to heart. Suddenly everywhere I turned, I was not only hearing messages about praise, thanksgiving and worship, but I was also doing it – I was offering the Lord my worship and thanksgiving for everything. I thanked him for delivering me out of a bad situation, for the waiting room experience I was thrust into, and for the new awareness of His presence and care. I fully believe that exercise of worship was instrumental not only for my healing, but also in setting the stage for what was coming next – a monumental blessing I didn’t see coming.
In Psalm 34, David offers us his commitment concerning worship: “I will bless the Lord at all times; his praise will always be on my lips.” Are you struggling with something that has your spirit sinking? Worship to God moves your attention off the situation and on to the God who holds all things in His hand. Praise the Lord.
– Beth
Burning Question:
What is a must have item during a cold snap?
Bible Quiz:
Question: Who had three wives named Judith, Bashemath and Mahalath?
Answer: Esau (Genesis 26:34, Genesis 28:9)
Storytime: Glitter Glitter Everywhere!