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Kinship Radio thanks the Lord for our many volunteers who also realize the Hope in Jesus and are obedient to His call to serve. Your assistance helps us get the message out to a hurting world that Hope is Here!

We have many opportunities to serve over our three days of Share. Some of the ways you can serve are:

Greeter Volunteer – We want everyone to feel welcome when they come to the station. You will be near the front door so you can greet each person. If it’s a volunteer, give them their name tag and show them their station. If it’s someone visiting, please warmly greet them, write up a name tag for them, show them around and invite them for coffee and goodies.

Phone Volunteer – This person will have direct contact with callers who want to give their Faith Gift. All Faith Gifts are entered directly into the computer. It’s an easy process. As long as you can type on a keyboard, you can enter Faith Gifts.

Food – We LOVE to feed our guests, volunteers and staff. If you are willing to provide food, we greatly appreciate breakfast items, snacks, meals or bars/desserts.

Kitchen Host–The hosts are responsible for consistent cleaning and sanitizing the kitchen, food bar and tables. Food and beverages are available for the guests, volunteers and staff throughout the day. We ask the host to constantly monitor the food area to make sure it’s clean and full.

Click HERE to Volunteer for Share.

Join the discussion 2 Comments

  • Bonnie Tielbur says:

    I am in charge of the soups on Oct 17th in Spirit Lake. This is a great idea to send the letter and put this out there for helpers! Thank you

    • Kinship Update says:

      Thank you, Bonnie. We value our volunteers and love it when opportunities come up where they can join us.


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